Deciding if you should help The Voice in Avowed or refuse their deal is a choice you’ll need to make during the Message from Afar quest, while you search for the Aedyran Ambassador and investigate the Strangleroot. It’s during this task that you can speak directly to The Voice that’s been in your head for the duration of your Avowed journey, and while they offer you the gift of their healing touch they also ask for a favor in return, so is it worth it? To help you with this decision, here’s what happens if you help or refuse The Voice in Avowed.
Should you help The Voice in Avowed or no deal
Once you’ve killed the Dreamthrall Elder Brown Bear and spoken to Ambassador Falscen Hylgard during the Message from Afar quest, you’ll be drawn to examine the Adra Pillar – which will allow you to commune with The Voice that has been speaking to you since Fort Northreach. After discussing the sickness spreading across the land, you get to press The Voice on what’s wrong with the Strangleroot and ask for help. The Voice offers to help by exchanging “a favor for a favor” in return, then you can agree to help or refuse to make a deal.
From my experience, I recommend that you agree to help The Voice, as you receive significant benefits for doing so which I’ll outline below.
The Voice reward in Avowed
Whether you choose to help The Voice or refuse to make a deal, the vines blocking your path ahead will clear so you can progress with the storyline. You will also receive a new Godlike Ability, which is different depending on the choice you make during the dialogue:
- Help The Voice: Dream Touch Godlike Ability, Active
- Heals and revives all nearby allies and deals damage over time to nearby Delemgan, Dreamthralls, and Vessels.
- Refuse the deal: Godlike’s Will Godlike Ability, Passive
- Gain a bonus Ability Point to spend in the Fighter, Ranger, or Wizard Ability Trees.
While receiving Godlike’s Will has the obvious immediate benefit of an additional Ability Point to spend on upgrading your character, the Dream Touch active ability is much more beneficial in the long run. You can use it to heal and revive your allies during combat, which provides a helping hand during those tricky fights, and it also deals damage over time to certain enemies for an additional boost. Furthermore, if you accept The Voice’s help then you’ll have an extra dialogue option available when you interact with injured NPCs, allowing you to heal them with your Godlike power instead of using up a Health Potion to get the same effect.
So to summarize, you should agree to help The Voice as the healing power you receive is hugely beneficial, and I have not experienced any negative effects from accepting their deal.
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