Ever since Larian revealed a variety of new subclasses will be introduced in Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 8, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about one in particular. While I can see the appeal in every new addition set to come – from the boozy Drunken Master Monk, to the dark Shadow Magic Sorcerer – I’m personally all about the “Starry Forms” and “celestial aesthetic” of the Circle of Stars Druid. As a self-proclaimed space nerd through and through, I’m really drawn to the idea of calling on the stars to channel your magic. Plus, the subclass is said to feature a unique twist on the Druid’s traditional Wild Shape by swapping out animal forms for constellation incarnations.
Since we don’t yet know when the update will arrive this year – with stress testing (which leaked early on PS5) just recently launching – I’ve started delving deeper with some research into the subclass in order to plan out my next Tav. The more I read about the Circle of Stars, the more excited I am about the prospect of shaping my next big run in the RPG around it.
Stars in their eyes
The Circle of Stars subclass will be nothing new to D&D veterans, but as a relative beginner who’s still learning about all of the many existing subclasses out there, Baldur’s Gate 3 has been something of a crash course in the rules, lore, classes – and everything in between – of the classic TTRPG. Since I first stepped into the Sword Coast, taking on the role of a charismatic Bard with the gift of the gab has far and away been my preferred way to play, but Druids are a close second.
Turning into different Wild Shape forms offers no end of novel ways to approach scenarios – from sneaking through a location littered with enemies as an agile cat to barreling through foes and causing some serious damage as a big bear, and burrowing through hidey-holes as a rat. Plus, I will never ever tire of the simple act of sitting down on a chair as a wolf or dilophosaurus.
While all of the current Circles offer up different spells and animalistic forms, Circle of Stars really does seem more unique and singular. Rather than a connection to nature that’s grounded in the earth or the primal moon, you’re calling on a cosmic kind of power that looks “to the stars for answers”. With three different Starry Forms to draw from, you can take on either the constellation of the Chalice, Archer, or Dragon, each of which “favors a different play style and strategy”. Not only does this sound appealing from a combat standpoint, but it also promises to feed into the celestial aesthetic I can’t wait to design my new Tav around.
According to Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything via the D&D wiki, it’s said that using your Starry Form makes your body become Luminous, and your “joints glimmer like stars”, with glowing lines that connect them like a star chart. Whichever constellation you choose will determine which one shows up over your body when you activate your form, with the Archer giving you astral arrows that deal radiant damage, the Chalice restoring hit points, and the Dragon letting you deal damage with a bonus to constitution saving rolls. The Chalice certainly sounds very handy, and I can also envision a powerful radiant build for a Druid, but I personally love the sound of the dragon above all.
In fact, I think a Dragonborn Druid under the Circle of the Stars Dragon constellation would make for a very fun fit. I mean, I could make myself an actual space dragon, with silver scales that evoke the very starlight they draw from. As with any of the subclasses and classes, I’m sure it will take a spell for me to get to grips with all it has to offer and make the most of it strategically. But I can’t wait to see how much this changes up the feel of a class I’ve come to really love when Wild Shapes have a cosmic feel rather than an animalistic one. It’s also neat that each respective constellation dials into different roles you may want to adopt, giving you options if you want to be more of a fighter like my planned Dragonborn, or lean towards a healing or supportive stance.
I never need an excuse to return to the Sword Coast, but with Baldur’s Gate 3’s patch 8 promising to bring a star-fueled cosmic touch to one of my favorite classes, you better believe I’ll be back in that mind flayer ship faster than you can say “praise the Absolute”.
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